Jesus taught us that the Kingdom of God can be likened to something very small, such as yeast or a mustard seed, that when given the proper care grows into something much larger. We can look at our own parish and see how true this is. From the first few families who worshipped in the chapel of the Visitation convent, now part of the NIH campus, and the old farm house which served as the first school, our parish has grown into the beautiful church where we worship, the Blue Ribbon school where our children are taught, and the many meeting areas where we gather to serve God and our community. All of what we enjoy now is due to those all those who loved Saint Jane de Chantal parish and generously supported its growth and mission over 71 years. Now, it is our turn to build on what we have received and to make Saint Jane de Chantal parish, our spiritual home, an even more beautiful and more welcoming place for all of its members. With a more durable and safer field for our children and parishioners to use for games and recreation, stained glass windows in the church depicting Saint Jane de Chantal and other heroes of our faith, a renovated Caulfield Hall for our social events, and a finished music room for our fantastic choirs, we will bring our parish to new heights and give to the Church and its future members wonderful gifts and a testament to our own faith in God. I invite all past and present members of Saint Jane Frances de Chantal to generously support these projects as a sign of gratitude to God and as an enduring legacy to all those who will come to enjoy the goodness of our parish in the future as they have done. Forever De Chantal!