Junior Sodality is an organization for girls grades 6th-8th who wish to practice the principles of being good Catholics and have a deeper devotion to Jesus through Mary. As Junior Sodalists, the girls will have opportunities to grow spiritually, be of service to our parish and community, and meet new friends.
Congratulations to 2023 DeChantal eighth graders Penelope Harman and McKenna Jordan, who are the winners of the 2023 Junior Sodality scholarship essay contest! Penelope was awarded first place and McKenna was awarded second place. Penelope received a $1,500 scholarship to her chosen Catholic high school, Georgetown Visitation. McKenna received a $1,000 scholarship to her chosen Catholic high school, Georgetown Visitation.
To read their winning essays, click on the links below.
Essay Question: At the beginning of 2023, we were asked two questions by Pope Francis. The questions were, "What languages does the Holy Virgin use to speak to us? How does Mary speak?" As both my peers and I grow into our future selves, can we seek guidance from Mary through prayer, our subconscious, our relationships with others, and our actions.
Penelope Harman's essay
McKenna Jordan's essay
Junior Sodality May Crowning