Gracious God, you continually call us to enter more fully into the divine community of love that is the life you share as Father, Son and Spirit. In your goodness and mercy, help us to respond to you with joy as we bless your holy name.
Mary, Mother of God, our Mother by nature and grace, your example of trust and faith
helps us to fulfill the vocation we received in Baptism and Confirmation. With your gentle
wisdom, show us how to respond to God’s call with humility and courage, that our lives might serve to bless His name.
May we, as members of the St. Jane Frances de Chantal Sodality Guild, always seek a
personal holiness that will convey our Christian commitment to our many communities of family, parish and workplace. May this life be one of deep concern for others, sustained by love for Mary, in whose love we are turned always back to her Son.
We pray this in your name, Jesus, our brother, Lord and Redeemer. Blessed may you be, now and forever.